Below I have found inspirations, research and case studies on self-branding and portfolio/ showreel trailers/ etc.

Gracie Burton Artstation Page EPK

Gracie Burton is a very good example of the aesthetic, style and quality I am aiming to achieve. I like the way she promotes her brand and it all follows a similar house style. I also like how she has created a motion graphics trailer.


From this, I decided to look into more motion graphics portfolio trailers. Here are a few of the videos I looked at.


What do I like? What can I incorporate into my project?

  • Smooth animations
  • Quick and fun motion graphics
  • Bursts and little animated assets
  • Kinetic text
  • The google search effect

I also looked at websites that offer advice and tips on designing a good portfolio. This is useful to ensure my website and portfolio is matching current trends and stands out from the competition.

Best Portfolio Websites | Web Design Inspiration (

How to create a good UI/UX design portfolio | Flowhack (

Bestfolios – UI/UX Design Portfolio Inspiration and Showcase